Why Does the New Moon Hide?


Dogs barking at a skateboard rasping

across the dark. The mother scolding

her children to bed. A house where the wife

is beaten. Tonight it is silent. May God

keep her safe. The daughter leaving home,

the door closed on her soft goodnight

spoken in the dark. Golden gingko leaves

on wet pavement caught by headlights.

Motion detectors blinking on

over garage doors. Wet tires

slipping on streets. Trains whistling directions

along distant rails. Airplanes seeking

their places in landing patterns.

Wood smoke hovering around chimneys.

Sweet iris blooming in a false November

Spring. The silence after a rain storm.


How I Prepare to be Loved


The nomad chooses that ocean breeze, pushing fog to the south.

The hour will come for the land to be chilled, but not yet.


I am saying hedges are for fairy princesses and peeing dogs.

I would live among dunes.


I am saying there is no sun too bright.

I am listening to fissures beyond a photon’s reach.


Collecting shells brings home shadows and sand.

I say when you enter you will be welcomed.

Tropics of stories surround us.


I am afraid you may be uneasy among dune beetles large as dates.

This is all in a manner of stating how I cross into middle age.



Her elderly Jack Russell asleep

next  to the coal stove,

the whole room’s wrapped in warmth ,

Victorian wallpaper,

and dark wainscoting– she waits for me

on the piano bench,

her dowager’s hump

brings her eyes closer to the keyboard

and to the sheet of music.


Confused by the score I cannot read,

with no sense of timing,

and my lack of practice exposed, I let her

illuminate the dots and dashes

on staves. Her gnarled fingers turn them

into anemones scattered

in a meadow, a stream trickling down

a ridge to wind across it,

the water still mountain cold.



About the poet:

Trina Gaynon is a literacy tutor. Her poems appear The Great Gatsby Anthology, The San Diego Poetry Annual, Saint Peter’s B-list: Contemporary Poems Inspired by the Saints, Obsession: Sestinas for the 21st Century, A Ritual to Read Together: Poems in Conversation with William Stafford, Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Anthology of Sonnets of the Early Third Millennium, Bombshells: War Stories and Poems by Women on the Homefront, Knocking at the Door: Poems about Approaching the Other, and several WriteGirl anthologies, as well as numerous journals including Natural Bridge, Reed and the final issue of Runes. Her chapbook An Alphabet of Romance is available from Finishing Line Press.