Henry Giroux: Trump vs. Comey

Trump Versus Comey: The Politics of Lawlessness, Lying and Fake News   by Henry A. Giroux Contributing editor Donald Trump’s firing of James Comey as the director of the FBI has caused a firestorm around the country, but for the wrong reasons. Rather than see...

Jim Palombo/Ivanka as Attaché

AAA As Ivanka Hits the Public Service Road…   by Jim Palombo Politics Editor Ivanka Trump is having a difficult time detailing her seemingly duplicitous roles as corporate profit seeker and public service attaché.  And particularly in terms of the latter,...

Jordan Blum/Editor Interview

    Jordan Blum holds an MFA in fiction, teaches at several universities, and is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Bookends Review, an independent creative arts journal. He’s also Associate Editor at Popmatters and a music and/or literature critic...

George Preston Nelson, Poetry

Through the “Door to the River” I See  AAA no Brechtian “earthquakes to come,’’ only cool Coltranian chromatic riffs ascending/descending  Giant Steps tween heaven and house, notes runnin-t-getha in clefs of black juice poured between strokes of the...

Galanty Miller/ReTweets

  Maybe a pill… by Galanty Miller Columnist With all the horrible things going on in the world, it’s very comforting to know that at least Mr. Rogers is still alive./ Bisexual? Heck, I’m TRIsexual because I won’t try ANYTHING./ So much information out...