We Are You Project @ Kean Univ.

A AA AAA The We Are Your Project: AAA “An Exhibition on Social Justice & Immigration”   Kean University’s The Human Rights Institute presents The We Are You Project, a comprehensive coast-to-coast depiction of 21st Century Latino socio-cultural,...
An Interview with Maggie Hopp \ Photographer

An Interview with Maggie Hopp \ Photographer

© Maggie Hopp  Times Square in the 1970s   Preservation vs. Progress ************* Archive Preserves Times Square of the Late 20th Century   With Mike Foldes Founder, Managing Editor   Ragazine.CC: You are actively engaged in the Real Estate business,...
LOCAL HEROES, 2015, Hamburg

LOCAL HEROES, 2015, Hamburg

Fred Roberts photos Grapefunk, top, performs at the Local Heroes Band Contest in Hamburg, Germany.  *** *** Music Editor Fred Roberts Takes a Spin AAA as Judge in German Battle of the Bands *** *** by Fred Roberts Contributing Music Editor *** What is that magic that...
Blood Sport/Steve Bromberg

Blood Sport/Steve Bromberg

© Steve Bromberg The trophy room of a big game hunter.   The Business of Killing: AAA “Ain’t it wild!”    By Steve Bromberg   It’s a fact. Humans are hunters and hunters love killing. Sometimes they love killing more than they love...
Field Notes from Cuba/Jim Palombo

Field Notes from Cuba/Jim Palombo

  Cuba, Michael Eastman photo, used with permission of the photographer. For more of the photographer’s work, click here.       Rubik’s Cuba: A Traveler’s Varied Impressions by Jim Palombo Politics Editor   It’s often hard...