Fred Roberts/Poland Playlist

  by Fred Roberts Music Editor   Category: The Polish Falco Song Title: Nie poddawaj się Artist: Kombi Year: 1983 Link: Category: Rocking sixties ladies Song Title: Motyle Artist: Amazonki Year: 1969 Link:...

Summer Sun Fun Zehn

  Ten Top Tunes for Summer Listening   For music-loving polyglots, this is a summer listening list for you. Everyone else — steer clear of falling stars.    by Fred Roberts Ragazine Music Editor Category: Best song in the highly competitive...

Contemporary Barcelona

Where 10 becomes 11! Category: Dark horse hits Song Title: Patrice And Her Weirdness Artist: Vancouver Undercover Year: 2017 Link: Category: Albums produced by ex-Faust members Song Title: No...
Secret Barcelona

Secret Barcelona

Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash *** Barcelona Underground Category: Creation of new universes Song Title: Catalepsia Artist: Neuronium Year: 1977 Link: Category: Magical hypnosis experiences Song Title: Me Voy A Tomar El...
Camino al Desván, Barcelona 1983-1986

Camino al Desván, Barcelona 1983-1986

Camino al Desván is the musical project of the couple Lole García and Jordi Cabayol. *** Finding a Musical Heaven Rediscovering Lost Sounds of Catalan Underground Music   by Fred Roberts Music Editor The past years have seen a number of compilations focusing on...