The Memory of Objects/Book Review

  Bad Harvest (ISBN-13: 978-0887486388) by Dzvinia Orlowsky Carnegie Mellon University Press 5.5” x 8.5” paperback, 80 pages $15.95   THE MEMORY OF OBJECTS Review by Olena Jennings   A poem can depict a memory the...
Ava, Lana and Old Bob Campbell

Ava, Lana and Old Bob Campbell

Photo by Ashutosh Nandeshwar on Unsplash ***   Ava, Lana, and Old Bob Campbell   by Wayne Turmel Contributing Writer Las Vegas, 2018 Bob Campbell was seventy-five by this point. He was never much of a BS artist, rarely spoke at all and never joined in the usual...
Navigating Sicily/Travel

Navigating Sicily/Travel

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash ***  Navigating Sicily   by Carol Severino Contributing Writer As an Italian American (half Sicilian, one-quarter Neapolitan) who takes Italian courses and practices in a community conversation group, the experience of...
Susan Hodara/Creative Nonfiction

Susan Hodara/Creative Nonfiction

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash ***  Buck   by Susan Hodara Contributing  Writer   Antlers curving upward. Grayish fur that looks mangy; oily; not soft to touch. Eyes round as targets.  Or would that be the singular ‘eye’?  Because the buck is in profile, mid-air,...

The Music of the Aztecs/Poetry Review

  The Music of the Aztecs Edited by David B. Churchill Pony One Dog Press (Paper, $19.95) (ISBN #978-0-9753095-4-4: 115 pages) PO Box 30552 Bethesda, MD 20824     The Music of the Aztecs Review by Bill Cushing Contributing Writer This anthology’s name...