OUTSIDE/INSIDE …just outside the art world’s inside by Martha King Blaze VOX Books Kenmore, NY ISBN: 978-1-60964-314-0 Copyright 2018 480 pages/Paperback $20.00 on Amazon     by Mike Foldes F or many years when I was of high school age I wondered what...
Then and Now/Steve Poleskie

Then and Now/Steve Poleskie

  SIERRA LEONE SHOP WINDOW; PHOTOGRAPHER, STEVE POLESKIE 1972   Talking of Travels – Part Two   Stephen Poleskie/Then & Now     by Stephen Poleskie Columnist … I am sitting in the airport lounge in Freetown, Sierra Leone...
Steve Poleskie/Then and Now

Steve Poleskie/Then and Now

Citadelle Laferriere, built between 1805 and 1820 to protect Haiti from invasion. Photo by Stephen Poleskie     Almost Shot Out of the Sky While Flying Over a “Shithole” Country     By Stephen Poleskie Donald Trump’s recent derogatory comment about...
Steve Poleskie/Then and Now

Steve Poleskie/Then and Now

  Archives Center, National Museum of American History Save Your Cans/Help Pass the Ammunition” World War II posters from 1940 *** Collecting Tin Cans   by Stephen Poleskie Contributing Columnist   I don’t suppose that I am the only person who goes to sleep...
W. P. Kinsella, In Memoriam

W. P. Kinsella, In Memoriam

Scene from Field of Dreams, based on W. P. “Bill” Kinsella’s novel, Shoeless Joe. *** W. P. Kinsella Slides Home   by John Smelcer Contributing editor I became friends with Canadian writer W. P. “Bill” Kinsella in the mid-1990s. Over the years, we have...