Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

    *** Roles, Ideals and Job Descriptions: The Artist; The Viewer; The Naif; The Collector; The Curator; The Critic; The Art Dealer   by Barbara Rosenthal Contributing Columnist NYC, May 1, 2018 Try as I might continue to try, conclusions and...
Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

    The Production of Meaning in Art Fabrication: What Are You Doing? Do You Know? When? Before or After?   by Barbara Rosenthal Contributing Columnist — NYC, March 1, 2018. Which comes first? It’s not the same for every artist. And maybe it isn’t the...
Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

    Is There a Universal Esthetic? Naifs, Innocence, Education, Esthetics   by Barbara Rosenthal Contributing Columnist NYC, Jan 1, 2018. It all comes down to the same question every time, doesn’t it? No matter where we start, even in the middle here...
Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

  A Crack in the Sidewalk: Journaling   by Barbara Rosenthal — NYC, Nov. 1, 2017. Welcome back again to this monthly column. Looks like the way it began last month is the way it will go every month. That particular incidents will trigger the topics, some of...
Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

  A Crack in the Sidewalk Barbara Rosenthal   — NYC, Sept 1, 2017. My monthly column A Crack in the Sidewalk is by this first sentence here now, back upon the Earth. Greetings, dear readers! The column logo is what it looked like when it first launched, in...