“The Illustrated On the Road,” by Jack Kerouac Illustrations by Christopher Panzner Project Details: The idea was to create a watercolor/ink carnet de voyage (travel sketchbook or “Moleskine”) to make it appear to have been done on the road while...
Gwyneth Leech: Construction Sites Paintings and Works on Paper May 2 – June 8, 2019 Monday – Saturday, 12pm – 6pm Special hours during Frieze Week: Friday May 3, 12pm – 8pm Saturday May 4, 12pm – 8pm Sunday May 5, 12pm – 6pm The...
SHADES OF DISQUIET Artist Linda Ternoir Interviewed by Toti O’Brien Contributor Years ago I had the pleasure of sharing an exhibit with artist Linda Ternoir. As we both sat the gallery, conversation sparkled naturally. I immediately realized I had...
Children In Cages by J. Taylor Basker When I was four years old, I was separated from my parents in Puerto Rico and sent on an Army airplane on a friend’s lap to the mainland. The situation in P.R. had become very difficult due to the war. There were food...
TAX TIPS FOR STARVING ARTISTS: Relax and Have Fun Claiming Your Loss by Barbara Rosenthal Contributing Columnist May 1, 2019, NYC — In the three audits I’ve had since I began filing my own taxes in 1977, I came out even in two and ahead in...
Updated approximately six times a year, is a collaboration of emerging and established artists, writers, poets, musicians, photographers, travelers and interested others, with a goal to promote an eclectic selection of subject matter to an international audience. Please carefully read submission guidelines before sending material.
The name Ragazine was coined in the mid-’70s in Columbus, Ohio, as the title of an alternative newspaper/magazine put together by a group of friends. It was revived in 2004 as ragazine.cc, the on-line magazine of arts, information and entertainment, a collaboration of artists, writers, poets, photographers, travelers and interested others. And that’s what it still is.
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