Henry Giroux’s Summer Critical Reading List

  Henry Giroux’s Critical Reads in the Age of the American Nightmare     By Henry A. Giroux Contributing Editor Ιt is hard to imagine a more urgent moment for developing a language of critique and possibility that would serve to awaken our critical and...

On Location/France

  Jan Fabre : jardins des délices er rebuffades   Jan Favre, « Folklore Sexuel Belge » et « Mer du Nord Sexuelle Belge » Galerie Templon, Grenier Saint Lazare Paris, France du 17 mai au 21 juillet 2018 Jan Fabre a est un artiste iconoclaste d’exception. Il a...

Evan Lockwood/Commentary

  Epiphany in a Pizza Shop A Trumpian Reverie   By Evan Lockwood Illegally stoned on a plant not federally legal yet, in line at a pizza shop on a Friday night. The line is uncomfortably long for being this stoned. A young girl – clearly the daughter of an...

Paul Sohar on John Amen’s “… Overwhelm”

“Illusion of an Overwhelm” by John Amen New York Quarterly Books First Edition 72 Pages Paperback ISBN-10: 1630450480 ISBN-13: 978-1630450489   By Paul Sohar It was no illusion, but a real “overwhelm” that this reader experienced going over John Amen’s latest...

Judith Skillman/RD Armstrong Review

      Orphaned Words: Forgotten Poems from a Haphazard Life by RD Armstrong $20.00 USD + shipping, 246 pp   A Review by Judith Skillman In RD Armstrong’s Orphaned Words, we find a rare honesty, beginning with the poet’s forward: “If it weren’t for...