Hunger and Hallelujahs book review

  Hunger and Hallelujahs by Philip Elliott Fiction Big Pond Rumours Press, 2018 $10.00 (Canadian), 22 page ISBN: 978-0-9959662-3-9   Reviewed by Charles Rammelkamp The unnamed Irish girl at the heart of the nine flash fictions that make up Philip Elliott’s...

Barbara Rosenthal/A Crack in the Sidewalk

    PROCESS VS PRODUCT : What is the Point of Art/ What is The Interplay of Elements and Considerations in Artmaking / How Does This Body of Video Hold Up by Barbara Rosenthal Contributing Columnist NYC, July 1, 2018 A lengthy, thoughtful reply from Anna...

Greg Stewart/Around New York

    Jazz Masters Still Tuned In   by Greg Stewart Events Editor Drawings by Lidia Moroz   The world of jazz has such variety these days. Ranging from standards plucked and hammered out in any variety of basements and backrooms in cities all over...

William Wolak/New Work

  Take a walk with us through the psycho-sexual forest in William Wolak’s World of Collage   I make collages out of all kinds of materials.  Most are made out of paper engravings. Many collages are digitally generated or enhanced.  To begin a piece, I...

Brendan Brady/Poetry

The Snow in March is Tired Powdered abstractions in an opaque vanity, sickly snow perspires and gasps, engorged and sinking into sleep. A lullaby swallowed is wasted under evening daffodil while streetlights seize, blinking and confused. The power flashed and the...