Jim Palombo/Politics

  Sides of the times   by J. Palombo W hat a crazy time. It’s too often that I’m feeling sick to my stomach, nauseous while listening to and watching the circus that has become our Congress. Men and women from our lumbering two-party system developing...
O. Alan Weltzien/Travel

O. Alan Weltzien/Travel

Photo by Mukiibi John Elijah on Unsplash *** In The Marketplace   by O. Alan Weltzien My wife are I are on a mission as the taxi deposits us on Bogyoke Aung San Road, on the southwest corner of the Market by the same name—Yangon’s most famous market. I want to...

Alan Swyer/Fiction

  Kindred Spirits   by Alan Swyer “K now what’s amazing?” Ross said as he and Gelber wolfed down an early morning feast of dumplings and porridge at a dim sum joint in New York’s Chinatown.  “It’s like we went to different...

Richard Kostelanetz/Fiction

??????   ANSWERS A Cycle of Short-Short Stories Richard Kostelanetz In memory of Novalis [For periodical, print continuously with extra space between entries; if a book, one to a page; wide (Latin?), paginated landscape; so far 94. Resequence to move from cliché...

J. T. Ledbetter/Poetry

a time like this after they carried things home and pulled the corn wagon out of the frozen ruts they turned the cows into the pasture and filled the oat bags for horses then went to the house where women were wringing out bloody cloths and emptying the rest down the...