Then and Now/Steve Poleskie

Then and Now/Steve Poleskie

  SIERRA LEONE SHOP WINDOW; PHOTOGRAPHER, STEVE POLESKIE 1972   Talking of Travels – Part Two   Stephen Poleskie/Then & Now     by Stephen Poleskie Columnist … I am sitting in the airport lounge in Freetown, Sierra Leone...
Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Photo by Randy Colas on Unsplash/Champs-Élysées, Paris, France *** The Serious Man and the rise of the mob: A contemporary contemplation of the works of Simone de Beauvoir and Hannah Arendt   by Fabia Chenivesse-Wong Columnist In the heart of...
Steven Masterson/Fiction

Steven Masterson/Fiction

PHOTO BY DMITRY ERMAKOV ON UNSPLASH *** LUCY’S UMBRELLA   by Steven Masterson Contributor   Lucy pulled her arms down his thighs until her hands reached his knees and pushed herself to her feet. Picking up her bag, she walked into the bathroom, closing the...

In Memoriam: Camilla Sohar

    Only if… A Poetry of Loss and Remembrance Poems by Paul Sohar   W When Camilla passed away last spring at the age of 50 due to a medical accident, her family and many friends were shocked, especially her father who had been her principal...

Young Poets of Oneonta

Prompts and New Voices I n the autumn semester of 2018, in my creative writing course at SUNY Oneonta, my students endeavored to write “thematically linked” poems. We read Adele Kenny’s “A Lightness, A Thirst, or Nothing at All,” my book, “Dante’s Unintended Flight,”...