Then and Now/Steve Poleskie

Then and Now/Steve Poleskie

Photo by nic on Unsplash ***   Our Falls   by Stephen Poleskie There are few among us who can say that they have never fallen in some way or another at least once in their lives. When we were children falls were quite common, but usually not...

“Yesterday”/Film review

  In Yesterday, A Glimpse of Fame’s Human Cost   by Margot Parmenter Contributing Writer American novelist William Faulkner once told the Paris Review that “the artist is of no importance — only what he creates is important, since there is nothing new to be...
Navigating Sicily/Travel

Navigating Sicily/Travel

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash ***  Navigating Sicily   by Carol Severino Contributing Writer As an Italian American (half Sicilian, one-quarter Neapolitan) who takes Italian courses and practices in a community conversation group, the experience of...
Susan Hodara/Creative Nonfiction

Susan Hodara/Creative Nonfiction

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash ***  Buck   by Susan Hodara Contributing  Writer   Antlers curving upward. Grayish fur that looks mangy; oily; not soft to touch. Eyes round as targets.  Or would that be the singular ‘eye’?  Because the buck is in profile, mid-air,...

The Music of the Aztecs/Poetry Review

  The Music of the Aztecs Edited by David B. Churchill Pony One Dog Press (Paper, $19.95) (ISBN #978-0-9753095-4-4: 115 pages) PO Box 30552 Bethesda, MD 20824     The Music of the Aztecs Review by Bill Cushing Contributing Writer This anthology’s name...