Pyro: A memoir of California/Creative Nonfiction

Pyro: A memoir of California/Creative Nonfiction

Photo by Andy Watkins on Unsplash *** Pyro: a memoir of California   by Gregory Von Dare My workday day began at 6:00 a.m. After the clock-in, my first task was to open a six-foot tall safe. That hulk was painted fire-engine red, and its walls were three-inches thick...
Maria Foskolaki/Art

Maria Foskolaki/Art

Light V *** The Sweep of Greece Sea, Air, History and Light Come to Life   by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret Columnist The work of Maria Foskolaki seems to me of the greatest interest both in the treatment of light and the narrative poetry between figuration and...

In search of… /Fabia Wong

  The Devil’s Bargain: Should justice be negotiable?   by Fabia Chenivesse-Wong Contributing Columnist  Recently, plea-bargaining has made the headlines, a sufficiently remarkable occasion to warrant attention. Plea-bargaining, or the bringing about of a...

The Memory of Objects/Book Review

  Bad Harvest (ISBN-13: 978-0887486388) by Dzvinia Orlowsky Carnegie Mellon University Press 5.5” x 8.5” paperback, 80 pages $15.95   THE MEMORY OF OBJECTS Review by Olena Jennings   A poem can depict a memory the...
Ava, Lana and Old Bob Campbell

Ava, Lana and Old Bob Campbell

Photo by Ashutosh Nandeshwar on Unsplash ***   Ava, Lana, and Old Bob Campbell   by Wayne Turmel Contributing Writer Las Vegas, 2018 Bob Campbell was seventy-five by this point. He was never much of a BS artist, rarely spoke at all and never joined in the usual...